Saturday 7 April 2012

Lol Jesus

For any of you, you have their daily dose of 9gag, reddit, 4chan,  have stumbled upon  a various types of Jesus memes.  Lol Jesus is a subgenre of memes that are based on iconic and famous Christian paintings of Jesus that use various captions that portray Jesus as an obnoxious individual or over simplify famous biblical accounts that involve Jesus.  Some of the most popular of these memes is Jesus is a jerk, and Story time Jesus.

Jesus is a Jerk

The original image of Jesus accompanying people in the everyday was created by Christian artist Larry Van Pelt from Niceville Florida, in 1987 with the caption “With you Always”.  According to his website he writes “The inclusion of the image of Jesus in the drawings of ordinary people's lives was begun during the final year of the ten year task….. naturally fit the scripture: ". . I am with you always, even to the ends of the earth" (Matthew 28:20). The objective of the series: to help Christians everywhere visualize the reality of Jesus' presence in their lives at all times, particularly during those everyday tasks where we spend most of our time. My hope is you will find that inspiration as you view the enclosed prints” - Video Of Larry Pelt explaining why and how he began "With you Always" Jesus is Jerk Tumblr site - some may content offensive-

Jesus is  Jerk began to rise in popularity in found on many websites in 2009-2010, and can be found more recently on 9gag because of Easter. Some of the meme’s take it too far with their captions. However they are quite comical, in that shaking of head looking down and saying “oh My” kind of way. This is probably because of the of the juxtaposing idea of Jesus, being all loving and kind,  who is “always with you,” saying the most ridiculous and discouraging of things.  The Jesus  that is depicted is a North American, long haired,  older 30 year old Jesus that reinforces the western popular notion of a one having a personal relationship with Jesus, and the relationship can be good or bad. But is it the image that is important or the message of an ever present Jesus that is important.  I think that it was nice artistic message that was introduced by Larry, but like with anything it will be commodified and be used for entertainment.

Story Time Jesus.

The original image of Story Time Jesus is the painting entitled The Parable by American painter Lars Justinen which according to his website illustrates the meaning of the painting. “ No man ever spake as this man spake” according to the Gospel of Matthew. The painting illustrates a group of diverse people gathered around Christ as He shares with them the truth about God and his love for his people.”  Going on that note, a Reddit user posted in 2012 “Introducing Story Time Jesus” with  the story of Jesus walking on water and Peter who had little faith . Matthew 14:22-33.

“When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then Peter walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, began sinking and cried, “Lord, save me!”  

But as one can see from the Meme, it is a gross over simplification of scripture accounts. Since then there has been mass amounts of Story Time Jesus. And some not all of course, speak true to central teachings in a very comical way.


Classical do unto others, as you would have done to you , that he been recited not only in popular cultre, movies ect but among Christians as well ( in my experience) . Although some meme’s I personally feel take it to far in their captions, especially in light of Easter. There have been many new ones uplaod as well, reagrding the death and resurrection of Jesus. I also think some of them hit the spot in the ways that  Chrstianity is percieved by the outside looking in within the realms of pop culture which can be offensive but also comical. I think that it quite humour and healthy to view heavy issues in a comical way
Jesus + Humor = me lol’ing
A mix of Easter (religious), Chocolate and the Easter Bunny

I'll be back

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